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100 Things

Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003

I saw Ben's doppleganger (BD) at the gym tonight. He's so cute! Unfortunately, I wore the workout pants that look like I peed myself by the end of the workout. All my other workout clothes were in the wash. oh well. He talked to me afterward, invited me to yoga. Hee! I know he loves me.

I don't hate my painting anymore. It's coming along now. I think.

At that talk thing, I was relieved to hear Lynn Foulkes say that he just wants people to like his paintings. I guess I didn't expect that. Even though his evil mickey-mice are telling us important things, he just wants people to like his stuff. yeah, man.

I have orange juice burps.

Today I wasn't at school. I had a dentist appointment. But when I went they didn't have my root-canal-toppers, so I got to just go home! And then I was able to nurse my painting back to health. Yay!

I wonder if the evil boy did anything evil today. On Monday he attacked another boy. It took four adults to hold him down. Then the principal didn't think suspension was a good idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luckily, he didn't come on Tuesday anyway. So who knows what happened today. I was also glad to get a break from the principal and psychologist fighting through me. They call me every five minutes to express their shock and disgust at what the other has done. They both are "reporting" each other to the higher ups, and I'm not supposed to share this, and blah blah blah. Whatever. Perhaps it's mildly entertaining, so maybe I don't mind.

Oof. I'm sore.

I think DB is 32. He said he was in the airforce reserves (a few years of active service in there) for 14 years, and he joined right out of high school. That would make him 32 or 31, right? He's a workout-monger. He does the kickboxing class for an hour, weights for an hour, then yoga for an hour. FUCK! That's a lot. And he goes snowboarding once a week? What's his problem? Does he have an addictive personality? Workaholic? No other life?

I actually asked why he wanted to be so super fit. He said it made him feel good, more confident, healthy. It helps him with snowboarding, he wants to get in shape for surfing season.... Still. I don't get it. Something's fishy.


Well, the war is a week old now, and I haven't mentioned it. Why? Well... I just feel that there are too many things I don't know. I think that Hussien is bad, sure, and it's a nice idea to get rid of him, but is that really the whole reason that the Bushles are going to war? I doubt it. I want to know what the sneaky reasons are. I feel bad for the people who are there. All hot and sandy. Scary bugs. Bullets. Maybe this could all work out. I don't know. We'll see.


>what i'm painting: tiny gold dots
>what sucks: evil people
>what doesn't: evanescence

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