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100 Things

Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2005

AAAAAAAAH! I can't remember if I wrote about it, but a while ago I auditioned for this REAL band. (Real = they've had various label signage, label droppage, management, tours, radio play, in magazines, music sold on itunes, etc...) I didn't think it went that great - although I liked them I didn't think they would choose me. I had totally put it out of my mind. They're last drummer was a professional. Well last night I heard the message from the guy that they want to meet up again!!!! To set up a sort of 2nd audition/I'm in if nothing goes horrible wrong. AAAAAH! I'm scared!!! I have diarreah. Why does it always boil down to diarreah for me? I can't FEEL any emotion without my body wanting to spurt poo? Rude.

Anyways. I have to call him back now.

OK I called. Left a message.



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