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100 Things

Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003

Took slides of new work today. Linda, Mr. Lawyer's sister, who is a photographer, is quite nice. I mean, I've known this before, but I've never risked calling her up to do something. I think that I will take the risk soon.

Stayed up late last night to figure out my taxes. I have to pay triple what I payed last year. I wasn't expecting that. I don't really understand why my work took off less taxes throughout last year. I have to pay 2200. That's federal plus state. Isn't that insane? I just don't get it. I'm going to fill out a new w-4 so they can take out more from my paycheck. The rat bastards.

After doing taxes, I cried for awhile, fought with Ben, then went to sleep. Fun, eh?

Tomorrow we are going to the Getty for a hot dog. They have good hot dogs there. Boring art. Good hot dogs. Well, not all the art is boring. They seem to have a lot of photography exhibits. Bleh. I liked the illuminated manuscripts. I like the famous impressionist shit. The sculptures and statues? I don't even try to look at them.

I wore a tank top today. Woo! Risque!


>what i'm painting: putting up a new one tonight!
>what sucks: taxes
>what doesn't: living life anyway.

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