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100 Things

Saturday, Apr. 12, 2003

I went to the annual Brewery Artwalk today. TONS of people! Tons of art. It's strange to walk into these people's homes and look at their art. One artist, B. Brizee, told me that it felt like he was an animal in a zoo. He said, "A lot these people come to see the artist and how we live and what our apartments look like." I wanted to say, "Yeah! That's me!" But I just nodded my head. His wife had some nice dots in her art. I like dots a lot.

I met the famous (infamous, perhaps?) "Mat Gleason" (remember I went to his art talk at the bookstore a month ago?). I actually heard his voice before I even entered his gallery. I introduced myself. I stuttered a bit. Oh well. He was very nice. He was animated! and excited! and energetic! Must be all that yogurt.

I asked him about a summer program at Idyllwild that I'm considering going to, cuz I saw the other day that he will be one of the guest speaker. He had interesting things to say. He said things about Idyllwild, Saddam's love nest, MFA programs, the hierarchy of insecure artsy people (apparently writers are the most insecure, followed by actors, then artists!), cartoons, and tricky 'post-graduate classes'. huh! My ears had a hard time keeping up because he's a lot to take in. It was nice though, to meet an art world person who seems simply happy to meet people and talk to whoever.

He introduced me to whoever walked into the room, too. I met Mike Cronin. A moustache-y man who told me his thoughts on art school.

In the next room I met a woman from MOCA who was so friendly! I wanted to take her home for dinner! And I found out she knows an aquaintance of mine. Ya, we were talking about the Owens/Freud show and she said that a lot of people had complained about... FREUD! I was certain she was going to finish that sentence with "Owens" but she didn't. She said people thought Freud's stuff was harsh or something like that. wha? stoopidheads.

Lessee, what else. I would have to say, my fave art of the day was Leigh Salgado. I spent a long time at her place, staring at her art. yummy!

I also ate a brownie. mmm. It's been a long time since I've had a brownie!


Saw Anger Management last night. I loved it - I laughed a lot.

um. I have a week off now. YAY YA YAY AYAYAY. I won't be doing much though. I have those pesky root canals to pay for! I guess I'll just paint. Rollerblad to the beach. ya.


>what i'm painting: purple pools and shadows
>what sucks: kink in my neck
>what doesn't: tito's!!! i'm going to get some in about an hour!

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